Makers of our Seagrass Baskets and Backpacks, including our Tinky, Trinka, Robbie, Totty, Bolga Basket, Moses Basket, Changing Baskets, Soukie Backpack, Nami Backpack and Hanging Book Basket
Partners Since: 2014
Employees: 56
Female Staff: 75%
This factory works specifically in line with the needs of the local community. Our specialist weavers work on our handmade products from the comfort of their own home. The factory distributes and trains workers on Olli Ella seagrass products and in time, collects them for quality control and distribution.
Olli Ella’s commitment and understanding of the need for consistent and steady work for the makers and factory employees has initiated a positive outcome by commitment to monthly purchasing orders, new product development and a stronger relationship with the supplier.