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DIY Daydream Mobiles

DIY Daydream Mobiles

Who doesn’t love a beautiful dreamy craft? We teamed up with our imaginative friend Katherine of @cardboardfolk to create some DIY Dream Mobiles for your little ones' new Daydream Dozy Dinkum besties. This DIY includes a step-by-step guide to make your own at home!

It’s craft time!

Make your very own DIY Daydream Dinkum Dream Mobile




Watch video below for extra guidance!



  • 01Draw & Trace
    Trace some circles onto the Cardboard using a pencil and a small round object, you’ll need 4 larger circles and 2 or 3 smaller circles (we used a milk bottle lid and a pen lid to trace around). We also drew 2 arched rainbow shapes slightly larger than the circles, be sure to draw your rainbows so that the internal corrugations in the cardboard run vertically.
  • 02Cut
    Carefully cut around the shapes with a pair of sharp scissors.
  • 03Decorate
    Decorate both sides of the shapes to suit your Daydream Dozy Dinkum’s personality with paint pens. We drew some icons on the larger circles and patterns on the smaller circles and rainbows but feel free to get creative with your design.
  • 04Position
    If you have drawings that you want to face a certain way, make sure to position your circles with the internal corrugations running vertically before you get started. 
  • 05Thread
    Next, cut the string into 3 pieces around 25cm long. Tie a knot in the bottom of the string and thread the top through the internal corrugations in your cardboard shapes (Tip: tightly wrap a piece of tape around the tip of the string to stiffen it up so that it threads through more easily). Tie a knot at the bottom of each shape to keep them in place and mix up your cardboard shapes with wooden beads to add some texture. For our mobiles we made 2 strands with 3 shapes or beads and 1 strand with 4.
  • 06Attach Your Stick
    Tie the 3 strands to the craft dowel or stick, with the longer one in the middle and the shorter ones on the sides. If you want to make sure your string doesn’t come loose, put a dab of white glue on the ends of the knots and allow to dry.
  • 07Hang your mobile
    To hang your mobile, cut another piece of string around 45cm long. Fold it in half and tie a knot to create a loop in the middle, then tie each end to the craft dowel to secure it in place. 
  • 07Voila!
    Trim off any extra pieces of string and your mobile is ready to lull your Daydream Dozy to sleep.




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